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rosa canina meaning in Hindi

rosa canina sentence in Hindi
1.The most common used were mentha, rosa canina, Armenian ginseng and many others.

2.Third place went to " Canis Lupus, Rosa Canina " by Judith Brown.

3.Rosa canina, Rosa x alba and Rosa rubiginosa are shrubs that were popular in historic gardens as climbing roses.

4.It was then I discovered several healthy old specimens of Rosa canina growing at some distance from the Union Jack.

5.The practice of grafting was perfected with the tough wild rose, Rosa canina, as the preferred rootstock for budding the delicate new beauties.

6.Not all authorities accept it as distinct, with the " Flora Europaea " treating it as a synonym of " Rosa canina ".

7.A " Rosa canina ", commonly known as a wild dog rose, it grows against the eastern apse of the cathedral, which is around high and wide.

8.The roses used for rootstocks at that time were the wild species " Rosa canina ", the dog rose, and " Rosa rubiginosa ", the sweetbriar or eglantine.

9.Eriodictyol was also found in the twigs of " Millettia duchesnei ", in " Eupatorium arnottianum ", and its glycosides ( eriocitrin ) in lemons and rose hips ( " Rosa canina " ).

10.In 2009 Romsilva also harvested 6, 750 metric tons of forest berries including vaccinium myrtillus, hippophae rhamnoides, rosa canina, vaccinium vitis-idaea, blackberry, crataegus monogyna and rubus idaeus, of which 3, 100 metric tons were exported to Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands.

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How to say rosa canina in Hindi and what is the meaning of rosa canina in Hindi? rosa canina Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.